App Market

MyDev App Market offers powerful web apps for your website. Integrate your site with leading marketing or financial tools, sell online, and more…
Reward system

Rewards systems are positive outcomes that are earned as a result of a performance. These rewards are aligned with organizational goals.

Benefits of a Reward System:

  • Increased productivity,
  • Strengthens succession,
  • Encourages retention.

Blogging is an amazing way to drive traffic to your website and increase your SEO :

  • Drive traffic,
  • Build credibility,
  • Start a conversation,
  • Social media,
  • Email marketing,
  • Your brand voice,
  • Audience-relevant topics,
  • Images and videos.
Google Analytics

Google Analytics integrates with other Google services perfectly, and if you’re using other Google-based services for marketing, GA will be essential to track their performance:

  • Track online traffic,
  • Understand user behavior,
  • Offline to online tracking,
  • Data reports and customization,
  • Improve online advertising with Marketing analytics,
  • Improve search engine optimization and content marketing,
  • Google analytics,
  • Conversion tracking,
  • Find your target audience.
  • Coupons

    Offering coupons is a way to market products and engage consumers, encouraging customers to try a new brand that is more profitable :

    • Coupons generate traffic,
    • Coupon has the ability to increase the amount of traffic in your store,
    • Coupons create incentives, want to give your customers a reason to buy now,
    • Coupons are promotional tools,
    • Coupons increase sales of other products,
    • Coupons deliver results.
  • Appointments System

    Appointments are opportunities to meet your prospects face to face and get a better understanding of their needs:

    • Control over arrival flow and customer footfall on premises,
    • Matching service requests to staff competency,
    • Improved operational and staff efficiency,
    • Coupons are promotional tools, less pressure on staff.
  • Slider on homepage

    By using a slider on the homepage to showcase images you can show much more information and save more space than on a printing document :

    • A slider it allows you to access the information quickly,
    • A slider can organize and fine-tune your marketing message,
    • A slider can improve site functionality,
    • A slider will improve user experience ,
    • A slider can enhance the overall visual appeal of your homepage.
Google Translate

Google Translate can be a useful tool for translation purposes, is available 24/7 through web browser or dedicated iOS & Android applications, is fast and provides you with an instant translation for 109 languages. GT bases its logic on human translation.

Additional Page

Additional Page has different advantages than a single-page website. The biggest advantage is, of course, that you can add multiple pages to your website. This makes it possible to discuss different topics and to categorize the website. Traditional Navigation, easy to scale, greater marketing potential, constant maintenance.

Gallery feature

Gallery features a popular way of integrating images into a website, allowing users to see several images clearly at once. Familiarizing customers with your products has numerous benefits :

  • It can allow them to understand your product's quality,
  • To know more about your company,
  • Solve some problems that would require a call to your customer support hotline.
SMS Package

In the main, because of its many advantages, using SMS Package for your business can help to:

  • Increase customer retention,
  • Develop greater brand loyalty,
  • It's a direct, immediate channel,
  • You can use short codes to simplify response and build your database,
  • It can support and integrate with other channels,
  • You can learn more about your customers,
  • You can increase customer engagement,
  • Response data enables you to monitor, track and improve.

Digital pharmacies bring greater convenience through delivery of your prescriptions. Prescription app that allows you to check your prescriptions, access resources, and even speak directly with a pharmacist. The proposed and confirmed benefits of e-prescribing include :

  • Enhanced patient safety,
  • Reduced drug costs,
  • Increased access to patient prescription records, and improved pharmacy workflow,
  • Enhanced patient safety is of great significance.
Smartphone Application

Is much more reliable, personalized, and convenient, smartphone Apps are faster with personalized content, instant online and offline access, using device features, push notifications and instant updates branding and design, productivity improvement and cost reduction, interactive engagement.


FAQ boosts your internal link-building, which is an important search ranking factor. It saves your customer/prospects time by putting answers in one place, it prevents customers/prospects from needing to contact you, it allows you to show some personality, it gives you an opportunity to improve SEO, it helps you build trust with your target audience.