Ticketing Platform

Solve customer requests in the best possible way.

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Why is the ticketing system important?

A ticketing platform enables you to handle customer problems faster and more efficiently.

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Measure customer satisfaction.

Ticket categories and tags.

Improved Organization.

Problem Tracking.


Knowledge base.

Team empowerment.

Full customization.

Workflow automation.

Personalized ticket pages.

Benefits of ticketing system:

Create the right structure.

Multi-channel accessibility.

Improve the customer experience.

Support for multiple languages.

Empower end users with self service.

Increase collaboration and communication.


Organizes all incoming customer emails by categorizing all types of concerns sent by customers, helps you manage your services and support request processes, and catalogs customer service requests.


Manages requests by delegating them to the appropriate expertise of the support team.

Team Collaboration

Promotes better team collaboration. It helps you save more time and effort for sides, the client and the agent. Helps you build a strong relationship and trust with your client.


All Tickets

Check the status of tickets, through the resolving process, tickets can be assigned with various statuses.

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Any ticket that is open, assigned to the current user, and is currently being worked on will be displayed as an active ticket in the active tickets list.

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The ticket that must be assigned to the appropriate agent or department in order to be able to act on it.

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Any ticket that has not been taken up by agents manually, or covered by rules that assign it to agents automatically is an unassigned ticket.

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New tickets are generally submitted by a customer and have not yet been assigned to an agent.

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When your agents require additional information from the customer, they can mark the ticket as Pending.

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When a ticket requires any action from you or your agents, it is marked as open.

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Once the customer accepts the solution you've provided, your agents can close the ticket.

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Deleted Tickets

The ticket will not appear in other ticket statuses.

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Users can view, edit tickets and add comments to all tickets, add agents and delegate tickets to them.

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Create different departments, you can assign teams, agents, and set its visibility.

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Integrated with Claritask

Integrated project management is the collection of processes that ensure various elements of projects are properly coordinated.

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Build a strong relationship with your client.

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