Project Management

Bring leadership and direction to projects.

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Why is Online Project Management important?

Project management and project professionals empower the team to focus, and when necessary, refocus, on their targets:







Benefits of Project Management:

  • Project management creates a focus.
  • Project management controls quality.
  • Project management minimizes risks.
  • Project management reduces project costs.
  • Project management encourages teamwork.
  • Project management maximizes resources.
  • Project management encourages learning.
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Run separate teams with their own projects. Workspaces can represent a department in your company, a product launch needing to be broken down in smaller projects, and more.


Set everyone's access on project level. Staff can be excluded from a project, while workspace admins automatically have access to all projects within that workspace.


Tasks give you the power to keep track of your projects in incremental detail with multiple options: people, tags, dates, description, subtasks, files, comments, time tracking, and more, calendar export, reports.


Visualize Tasks with due dates, postpone and reschedule tasks by a simple drag-and-drop, quickly create and delegate tasks right from the calendar page.

Delegate to multiple people

Subtasks can be assigned to a single person compared to a task which can be assigned to multiple people.

Work Status

Declare what Task you're currently "working on" so everyone knows what you're up to, without having to ask you.


Break down major tasks by creating new subtasks within that task.

File Upload

Upload multiple files to a task and have them appear in comments so you can quickly discuss the latest changes.


Tagging tasks is helpful when needing to label tasks with more contexts. Example: priority, urgent, bug, later, and more.

Due Dates

Assign a due date to a task so those who are responsible know exactly when it needs to get done.

Time Tracking

Track time so you know exactly the amount of time everyone has worked on that Task.

Timesheet Report

Generate detailed reports based on people, projects, tasks, time categories, and more so you can quickly discuss with your team or clients.

Re-organize Priorities

Quickly label tasks with custom tags, prioritize with dates, move tasks in various stages of the project, or complete and finalize altogether.

Recurring Tasks

Create task presets which trigger to automatically create new Tasks on a specific date with its pre-defined criteria.

Task Description

Break down major tasks by creating new subtasks within that task.

Version, Edits

Each edit and correction is recorded so you're always in the know who's edited what part of the task or Project.

Real time notifications

Receive unobtrusive notifications for any changes to tasks that you are a part of (follow).


Delete anything in (Tasks, Projects, Workspaces, Subtasks,...) without the fear that it's forever lost.


Recover any element that was previously deleted in Claritask by anyone in the team. Nothing is ever lost in Claritask.

Boost your team collaboration.

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